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Extended Day

Free Extended Day Opportunities

Dakota Hills Middle School offers after-school assistance for students in need of additional academic organization and support during our 2022-23 school year. In our Extended Day program, students can receive remediation, enrichment, homework, and organizational assistance from DHMS staff in a small group setting. Students planning to attend any of the Homework Help sessions are asked to attend on a regular basis. We ask that you sign up on EduTrak and commit to the days you are joining, there is no cost. We are excited to have you!

Parents must sign up for a section on MyPaymentsPlus.

●  Extended Day runs different days of the week, sign up for one or more of them.

●  The Extended Day schedule will change each trimester. You will be able to sign up for the next one.

●  Students MUST have transportation from school in order to attend Extended Day: activity buses or

parent pick up by 5:00 pm.

●  Sign up in EduTrak, there is no fee

If you have questions regarding Extended Day opportunities, please contact Melissa Tapper, DHMS Assistant Administrator, at (651) 683-6842 or email at


Dakota Hills Extended Day Needs Your Permission

Please sign up on EduTrak or Please fill out the form sign, and return to the office.

Extended Day Trimester I

September - November

Pick a section that works best for you, sign up on MyPaymentsPlus (no fee).  You are committing to these days and showing up each week.  Mark these days in your calendar.  Let your teacher leading this session know if you are going to miss a day.  You can sign up for more than one if they do not conflict days.


Section: 21-223 Days: Mondays 3:15-4:45 PM       Teacher: D. Dintemann

      Room: K-223

During this after-school extended day, you will work on some organization and have time for work completion.


Continues or New sessions will be available Trimester II.


Melissa Tapper

Melissa Tapper

Sec Assistant Administrator
Dakota Hills Middle School