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Ski and Snowboard Club

Hello DHMS Families!

We are excited to offer students the opportunity to Ski/Snowboard at Afton Alps this winter season!       The dates for Ski Club will be:

Friday January 5th

Friday January 12th

Friday January 26th

(Make-up or tentative extra date: Friday February 2nd)

There is a lot of information, so please read carefully all the way through. More information will be coming out as well as the dates approach!

We are offering a few options this year, and one is very time sensitive, so we would like to get the information out as soon as possible.

Afton is piloting a Ski Slope Days program this year. Parents would need to sign up for all 3 dates to utilize this program. The cost would include a lift ticket, equipment rental and a lesson each of

those dates for $199. There are no make-ups or refunds from Afton if a student misses, unless school is cancelled. It is a really incredible deal if students are in need of rental and a lift ticket, and the lesson is an added bonus.

To access this deal parents must purchase through Afton at this link BY DECEMBER 15th here

The unique code for DHMS is AADHMS3FRI.


The price breakdown for families interested in only a lift ticket, or only 1 or 2 of the trips, the price breakdown for each week will be as follows:

Lift Ticket: $39               

Rental: $36

No lessons are available at this time for students not participating in the Slope Days.

Signing up for these options will be through MyPaymentsPlus two weeks or so before each trip. It will close the Friday before for the following week. Prompts will be emailed when these options are available online. Look for info to come next week for the January 5th trip.

The cost of the bus rental will be $10 a week for each student. The bus will leave from DHMS after school and return at 9:45 PM each week.

At this time, we are limiting the club to 50 students, with priority given to “Slope Days” registrants. If there is enough interest, there is the possibility to add a 2nd bus, but we will need enough to offset the cost. We also would be able to offer the group rates to students who will be using their own transportation to/from the slopes. I believe that adults/siblings can also utilize the Slope Day pricing, but it will only be for the DHMS Ski Club dates.

We will have a student meeting during flex before break for those students who plan to attend one or more of the ski club dates. Please email with questions or concerns. Looking forward to some wonderful Friday nights on the slopes!

Contact Toni Knudson with Questions!

In MyPayments Plus sign up for one of the following:

Option 1: Lift Ticket, Rental, Bus (No “Slope Days” or Epic Pass Holders)  $85

Option 2: Lift Ticket and Bus (This is for students who have their own equipment, but no season pass)   $49

Option 3: Bus Only (This is for “Slope Day” and Epic Season Pass holders who have their own equipment)   $10

Skis and ski boots

Slope Days Registration Process

Afton Alps Group Information

Here you will find Afton Alps Group information for Parents: