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WEB (Where Everybody Belongs)

Leading the Next Generation

Dakota Hills is proud of the 8th grade WEB Leaders who assist our new 6th grade students in transitioning to middle school. From the moment they meet at our pre-school orientation day through the middle of third trimester, the WEB Leaders meet with 6th grade students, teach character lessons to 6th grade FLEX classes, and generally assist their 6th grade group members with any day-to-day questions the new students might have.

Applications are available digitally.

where everybody belongs logo

Becoming a WEB Leader

Being a WEB Leader involves being a reliable mentor for a small group of 6th grade students throughout the school year, assisting with lockers, finding rooms, study skills and just making our new 6th grade students feel welcome in our school. In return, WEB Leaders receive a free T-shirt, lots of free food, some valuable leadership skills that will help them throughout life, and a fun field trip in May.

Please make sure you are available on the mandatory dates listed on the application before applying. WEB Leader applications are due to the Main Office at DHMS. Before applying, please check to make sure you can attend the mandatory WEB events listed on application.

WEB Meetings

WEB leaders will meet once a month in the lecture room throughout the year.  Most of these meetings will be the last Thursday of the month, with the 6th grade activity taking place the next day, Friday, during FLEX. 

Meetings will take place at 7:45. If your bus does not arrive early enough, make sure to check in with Mrs. Ramboldt, Mrs. Rundquist or Mrs. Knudson, so you understand the upcoming activity and expectations. 


Tera Runquist

Tera Runquist

English Teacher
Dakota Hills Middle School
Toni Knudson

Toni Knudson

English Teacher
Dakota Hills Middle School
Jodi Ramboldt

Jodi Ramboldt

Grade 6 Teacher
Dakota Hills Middle School