Basketball - Girls
About the Program
Who: 7th and 8th grade (both experienced and non-experienced are welcome)
Season: Games begin 11/20 and the last game is 12/18
Practice: After school unless otherwise noted.
Sports Physical Required: A sports physical must be on file before you can register on EduTrak. Completed physicals which have been signed by a physician can be dropped off at the school nurse's office.
More Information
Uniforms will be passed out during the first week of practice. Students will need to provide their own practice clothes. Remember, it can be quite cool in the fall. A water bottle is also recommended for practices.
Parents/guardians, friends and family, please attend as many of our games as possible. We appreciate your support! Players are required to ride home from away games on the team bus unless a release of liability form has been filled out in advance. This is a district policy that must be followed.
Team Rules
- Attend all practices. Unless you bring a signed note from your parents excusing you, or your parents email Coach Scheuring and Scott. Unexcused absences will result in loss of playing time.
- Be respectful of other athletes, coaches and our equipment.
- Have fun. Yes, it's a rule!