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About the Program

Who: 7th and 8th Grade Girls

Season: Sept. 9 - Last week of October

Practice:  VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS:  Come to room B105 on Monday, September 9th after school with your tennis shoes ready to play! We will talk about the season and play some games for the first day.  See Mrs. Resendez or Mrs. Thaller with questions. See you on the court!

3:20pm - 4:45pm Everyday after school 

Games: (Schedule coming soon)


RMS →      Rosemount Middle School                                                          

FRMS →    Falcon Ridge Middle School

VMS →      Valley Middle School

SHMS →    Scott Highlands Middle School

DHMS →   Dakota Hills Middle School

BHMS →    Black Hawk Middle School


General Information: Volleyball is open to any 7th or 8th grade girl. Players should meet in the gym after school at 3:15pm.  Please bring knee pads, water bottle, and tennis shoes. All players will get a chance to be on a team and play. No one is cut.  We will have try-outs for the A team, it does include both grade levels. The other teams will be split equally into B teams.  We will take down nets at 4:45pm.  Students can ride the activity bus home or be picked up in the horseshoe about 4:50pm.  

Game Information: We play games against the other middle schools in the district, usually twice a week. Games start about 3:45pm. We will take a bus from school to our location fo play. We also have a bus to get back to Dakota Hills. Students will need to be picked up from DHMS when we return. This time may vary depending on transportation (more to come on this as I am given information). 


Sports Physical Required: A sports physical must be on file before you can register on FeePay. Completed physicals which have been signed by a physician can be dropped off at the school nurse's office.

Questions: Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have questions and we look forward to working with your child. or

Coaches and Contacts



Denise resendez



Chris Scott

Assistant Coach



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