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About the Program

Who: 6th-8th Grade Boys and Girls

Season: Winter

Practice: 3:20-5 p.m., Monday-Friday

Signup: EduTrak Payment System


Sports Physical Required: A sports physical must be on file before you can register on FeePay. Completed physicals which have been signed by a physician can be dropped off at the school nurse's office.

Coaches and Contacts

travis jensen

Head Coach

About Wrestling at DHMS

Middle school wrestling is for new and returning wrestlers. If you want to learn a new skill or improve your athletic abilities and conditioning, then wrestling is for you! Wrestling will challenge you, build your confidence, and improve your strength and conditioning. Plus, you will make new friends and have a lot of fun!

Travis Jensen

Meet Coach Travis

Travis started wrestling when he was 4 years old and competed into college. In high school, he won the Wisconsin state title at his weight class as a senior. He now has three young kids, Jonah, Madelyn and Clayton, all who wrestle in our Eagan programs. He started coaching in the Eagan youth program in 2012 when his now 7th-grade son was just 4 years old himself.

I am extremely grateful for the sport of wrestling. It has made me the man I am today. I have been able to utilize all of the good character traits I’ve acquired through wrestling in my everyday life. – Coach Travis