Digital Resources
1:1 Dynamic Learning
District 196 is committed to a learning and technology framework that focuses on providing students with a dynamic learning experience with increased access to digital tools.
Through our 1:1 digital learning program, students use iPads, Chromebooks, laptops and computer labs as supplemental educational tools to focus on three main areas: accessing and analyzing information; innovating, creating and publishing, and collaborating and communicating. In each of these areas we also embed a digital citizenship foundation that allows students to connect to authentic experiences. We want students to reflect on their actions of being a critical consumer and positive contributor in a digital world.
Schoology resources
- Schoology support videos
- Creating a Parent Schoology Account (English)
- Creando una cuenta de Schoology para padres (Spanish)
- Sameeynta Waalid akoon ee Schoology-ga (Somali)
- District 196 Family Resources for Schoology >
- Instructions for turning on/off Student Overdue Notifications in Schoology.
- Instructions to Add Child, another child to your existing Schoology account.
For further assistance, please contact your child’s school or email
Schoology overview (Youtube)
- 0 – 2:00 minutes: Finding, loading, and sign-in to Schoology
- 2:00 – 3:00: Schoology use from browser
- 3:30 – 4:00: Schoology Options
- Messages
- Courses (with folders)
- 4:00 – 6:00: Courses
- How to access
- General Resources
- Course Folders
- 6:00 – 8:00: Importing an assignment into an app. (example of Notability)
- 8:00 – 9:00: Updates
- 9:00 – 13:50: Schoology Grades (via both app and browser…. Really shows the advantage of browser view)
- 14:00 – 18:00: Parent Digest
- How-to for parents to set up daily or weekly e-mail reports
Infinite Campus Resources
- Campus attendance check-in procedure - video instructions
- Campus attendance check-in procedure - text instructions
- Campus Parent Setup Instructions (English)
- Portal del campus: Proceso de configuración por 1a vez (Spanish)
- Illinka Xerada: Habka Sameynta ee marka hore (Somali)
For assistance, please contact your child’s school.